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In fall of 2014, I was inspired by some friends of mine to start a project that would showcase the talents of musicians around town. I spent a couple of months procrastinating, not knowing if the ideas growing in my brain were good or bad ones, and more importantly, wondering how big of a challenge it would be to not only feature musicians, but every artist who was willing to participate.


When I came out with the idea shortly after New Year's Eve 2015, everyone was on board. I couldn't believe how excited people were. I did my first interview. My photographer, Amanda Wells, took time out of her schedule and volunteered her services right from the beginning. I had one eager short fiction writer, and that was all I needed. My dad helped me collate, fold, and staple only fifty copies of February's Zine- the first one to hit the Laramie market!


We've come a ridiculously long way since then and it never stops exciting me. All I wanted was for there to be something in this beautiful town that could show off all the talent that is being born and cultivated around us.Let's get more people excited- both in and out of this city.


UPDATE: As of September 2015, The Zine came to its end. Two of the three staff members moved away and the third had so much on her plate, it would have been impossible for her to do it alone- or even to take the time to find people to help her do the work.


It was an amazing run and the support received was so outstanding, I can hardly express my gratitude. Thank you, Laramie, for taking part in a wonderful and fun project. Keep on participating.



The Zine is:


Kath Yarkosky: Layout Artist

Charlotte Romero: Editor

Amanda Wells: Photographer

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